Never give up!

I know I’m not alone when it comes to the ups and downs in life. Everyone goes through them and although each individual will have situations that are unique to themselves, generally speaking there’s more common situations we’ll all share.

Whether that’s heartbreak, the grief of losing someone close, daily struggles and set backs, depression and anxieties or just having a bad day, one thing you mustn’t do is give up.

I know that’s easier said than done as in those down moments, we can feel defeated and hopeless about the future and no matter what you or others tell you in those moments, there’s no escaping those emotions nor does there seem to be anything to offer any kind of respite.

Let’s not sugar coat it, you’re in a fight and sometimes that fight it seems is against a better opponent than you. What you must always keep in mind though and constantly remind yourself is the new day is a chance to fight and chip away to try and overcome things and work towards those better moments. You have to celebrate and be thankful for the small wins and as long as you never give up, believe me that those better moments will come!

Obviously there’s certain things with depression that are to do with chemical imbalances etc. but you should know that there’s help and solutions and as I said, you have to fight and use all of that help available to you as tools to win each small battle. Medication to help rebalance the chemicals, mindfulness to ensure you’re not just caught in the dark clouds and ruminating about negative things. Finding an outlet with something creative personally helps me. Talking to friends and people who are going through similar things so you can relate and not feel isolated and alone. Keeping busy even if the only thing you want to do is curl up and disappear.

Fight, fight, fight and know that life will never be plain sailing. Use the moments where life is difficult and learn from them. Learn that you can survive and those scars will and do heal. Like I said, take the small wins and they’ll eventually add up and help you overcome bigger battles.

Never sit still and accept defeat. I won’t patronise anyone as like I mentioned, each persons battles are individual to them but I will say, look at history, events, and the extraordinary people who have overcome the impossible and you’ll know that even in the darkest moments, they never gave up!

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